Name of Stop (If Applies) Address Approximate Pick-Up/Drop-Off Times
A: Old Carey (220 9th Ave NW) 7:40/3:40
B: St. Paul (2nd Ave &2nd St NW) 7:43/3:38
C: Old Irving (210 6th St SW) 7:38/3:35
D: First Home Park (1299 2nd Ave SW) 7:42/3:35
E: Library (1500 W Bremer Ave) 7:34/3:40
F: Meadow View Ln & Sunny Slope Dr. 7:44/3:35
G: Maple Circle & W Bremer Ave 7:43/3:40
H: Pizza Ranch (21st St & W Bremer Ave) 7:45/3:40
I: Park 2nd Ave & 24th St NW 7:41/3:45
J: Circle Dr. & Hillside Ave 7:32/3:50
K: Park Ave & 13th St NW 7:34/3:50
L: Meadowbrook LN & Ridgewood BLVD 7:36/3:50
M: Tumbleweed Trail & Wild Rose LN 7:44/3:40
N: Bel Air Dr. & Chevelle LN 7:44/3:45
O: 502 Brown Ln 7:42/3:40
P: (3rd St & 3rd Ave SW) 7:42/4:00
Q: 9th St & 3rd Ave NE 7:34/4:05
R: 2nd Ave NE & Timberwood Rd 7:36/4:05
S: Tatroe Electric (2nd Ave & 3rd St NE) 7:38/4:00
T: First Bank (310 1st Ave SE) 7:40/3:45
U: 9th St SE & Bronson Ave 7:38/3:45
V: High Point 12th St & 2nd Ave NE 7:32/3:50
W: Elm St & Maple Ave 7:32/4:05
X: Oak St & Maple Ave 7:33/4:05
Y: Terrace Dr. & Monaghan Dr. 7:22/4:15
Z: 5th Ave and 12th St. SE 7:28/4:05
AA: Southeast Elem (809 4th St SE) 7:38/4:00
AB: Flintstone Dr. & Rubble Rd 7:30/3:50
AC: 1226 1st St. SE 7:32/3:50
AD: Eagle Ridge Dr. & Augusta LN 7:35/3:55
AE: Families First (1661 3rd St SW) 7:28/3:50
AF: Discoveries (403 Technology Pl) 7:42/3:45
AG: Waverly CC (1600 W Bremer Ave) 7:43/3:40
AH: Trailer Court (2909 E Bremer Trailer #11) 7:35/4:00
AI: 109 South Ridge Dr. NE 7:45/3:50
AJ: Fairholm Dr. Corner 7:30/4:05
These are Waverly-Shell Rock CSD planned Shuttle stop locations where children can meet the school bus. These times are approximate leave times from each location and subject to minor change as the school year gets closer and plans are more definite. Show up at least 5 minutes before you scheduled pick up time.
Note: There are some stop locations within the city limits that have been and will continue to be bus stops but are not listed, as they will not be used as “Shuttle Stop” locations and we do not want children trying to walk to them.
There are also some stops that have been consolidated to the best accommodating location for all families in that specific area.
Pre-School children do not qualify for school transportation
Stops C,D,E, and F are specifically designed to transport K-4th grade only
Any questions please contact WSR Bus Garage at (319)-352-5009

New Bus stops/ Times in Waverly
July 26, 2024