A change in Iowa law (SF2435), which took effect in July, has outlined specific actions that school districts must take when a student’s absences reach certain levels – including what may lead to a student being considered “truant” or “chronically absent.” Understanding these guidelines will help us all ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.
Here’s what you need to know:
CHRONICALLY ABSENT (10% of the semester): If your child is absent 10% of the time, we are required to notify both you and the county attorney. You’ll receive a letter at the address we have on file to keep you informed.
SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT MEETING (15% of the semester): If absences reach 15%, the law requires us to come together for a school engagement meeting. This meeting is an opportunity for you, your child, and school staff to collaboratively develop an “Absenteeism Prevention Plan” to address any challenges and create a path forward.
TRUANCY (20% of the semester): If absences reach 20%, it is classified as truancy, and the district will initiate proceedings with the county attorney. We will notify you promptly if this step becomes necessary.
The law does provide exceptions for unavoidable absences due to: court orders; religious observations and instruction; IEPs/504s that impact attendance; and/or legitimate medical reasons. These absences are not counted, and we are here to work with you to ensure that any necessary absences are properly documented and understood.
Your child’s regular attendance is a key factor in their academic and personal growth, and we are dedicated to supporting you in overcoming any barriers to their school attendance. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s principal. We’re here to help and are committed to working together for a successful school year.